European Union Education and Youth programs have the goal to piece Europe together tighter. With the help of such programs, we have stronger bridges between Turkey and Europe . In this sense, this mother tongue project carried out in Gent is a great opportunity for Turkish kids and it makes more sense when they have an assistant from Turkey under Comenius program. To cut the long story short, the ones who will benefit from it are kids, families, schools, Gent , Belgium , Europe and the world in a greater sense.
Life Goes Faster on Protein!
Food is really important for the development of the people from the very early ages. If we would like to have healthier generations, we should pay special attention what we and our kids are eating. Thus, some people say that it is important to begin to work on a full stomach.
The week before, It was the week of healthy food. We had activities about healthy food in each class. The kids also really enjoyed the healthy and delicious food that they had at school. It was their company that made it so good.
Based on recent researches, it is stated that kids who do not get enough food cannot concentrate on what they are doing at school as well as the others. Here, we come up with the conclusion that the belly rules the mind!

Time Flies!
Time is a kind of possession that we have too much, but we use it the worst. In this respect, it is also very important to teach kids' how to manage their time effectively. This starts by learning how to tell the time.
In Turkish culture and in many others also, we say "half past ten" for 10.30. In some other cultures and languages it may be a little bit different and they say "half eleven" for 10.30. This may be a tackle for those living in multi-cultural environments. In Els class, we focused on especially how to tell the "half hours". The instruction was in Turkish, but the Turkish kids were expected to perform it in Flemish. At the end, I saw that most of them got it. Therefore, we made the best of the time that we spent together in these two hours.
Money Often Costs Too Much!
First people who started to use money in the 7th centruy BC were Lydians living in Anatolia, cradle of Civilization. It is one of the indispensable parts of a human life for around 2700 years. This is why kids at an early age are introduced with it.
The topic was about currency; Euros and Euro cents in Saskia's class in a few weeks ago. The kids were really enthusiastic about it. After her introduction, I practiced with the Turkish ones with different combinations. One of the Turkish kids' reaction was really very interesting and shows how pure their life is. She told me that she did not like money, so she did not want to have any money. She would like to prefer to do something else.
Unfortunately, money is one of the means of power in today's modern world. The world is not as pure as the world in that girl's mind. Thus, money talks!
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