Every Kid is Precious!

Kids are the future of the world. Every country pays special attention to the education of the kids in their society. As they are the core of the educational system, the teachers are specially trained to help them in this process.

Here, we come up with the question, "What is the role of the teacher in the classroom? Some saythat the teacher should be the "boss" in the class while the others put forward the idea that the teacher should be the "guide". If we take the modern methods, recent innovations in education and changing world into consideration, the latter will make more sense. As a result, it will be only possible in this way to educate the kids to show their skills. In brief, the future of the world built on the shoulders of kids will be a more livable place.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk says that "We love kids as they are our perpetuation. In every kid, we get the satisfaction of our longing to eternity." This sums up the attitude of Turks towards kids. All in all, giving one of the important dates in Turkish History, the foundation of Turkish Grand National Assembly (23.04.1920) to the kids as a global "Kids' Festival" shows the sensitiveness of the Great Leader, Atatürk and Glarious Turkish Nation towards kids.

Learning by Doing!

Education is a life-long process. The part that the kids get at school is just formal. In other words, there are some goals to achieve, and the learning and teaching process revolves around them. On the other hand, there is an informal part which cover the whole life of kids. Here, there are not any goals, but there are chances to take in order to grow up. Their future will be set on this basis. As an old saying says that growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.

In both formal and informal parts, it is a commonly known fact that kids learn better when they fully and physically participate in the activities. We come up with the magical term, "learning by doing". Moreover, if they actively take part, the benefits that they gain will be pretty long-lasting ones. The activities that they do in this way will make more sense. All in all, the language of the learning is not the words, but the meanings.

Impossible is Nothing!

Dreaming is the core of living. In other words, you cannot expect people who do not have dreams to go further. Moreover, dreaming is the key that opens new doors to people.

Kids are considered as the best dreamers. Adults even sometimes get astonished about the limits of their imagination. These dreams are the future of the individual, the country and the world if they are dealt with carefully.

Dreaming is also necessary for their cognitive development. It is also a paradox that sometimes some people get so cognitively developed that they even cannot dream anymore. This is because they start to think too much reasonably and they pay too much attention to the pros and cons of the issue. This hinders their creativity and individuality. They become the same sheep of the same herd. Actually, the differences are the ones that makes us get personally and culturally rich.

All in all, dreaming is indispensable in one's life. Yet, what we should do to make our dreams come true is to wake up!

Kids' Creativity - Global Treasure

When we have a look at the world's greatest inventions, we see the shadow of the childhood of these great inventors. The childhood is the most importance part which shapes the other parts so dramatically and deeply. The famous author, Charles Dickens, says that if it had not been his childhood, he could not have written so well world classics in the field of literature.

To want the kids to do what we would like does not only limit their creativity, but also "gnaw" their future life. It is their childhood which helps them to choose the field that they want to specialize later. As a result, they will be the pioneers in the society. They will help both their country and the humankind to improve and go further.

In this respect, any child should be deprived of their right of freedom while they are playing. This will be a small step for teachers in their classes, but a great and very big one for the civilization.

Break the Ice

Kids' world is just simple and this is why most of the people long their childhood because simple is the best. After being born, they start struggling in this cruel life. They just would like to be as they are, but their families, friends, schools and in short their environment do not let them do so. All in all, in this situation, it is quite normal that they have some prejudices towards others. Yet, it is also possible to overcome them with the help of the causes of this problem mentioned above.

Although I participate in the Mother-Tongue project with Turkish kids, it is also a great pleasure for me to work with the other kids coming different backgrounds. As the project assistant, I am like a bridge between the Turkish ones and the others. In other words, I am not the boss who says to them what to do, but guide them to what they would like to do.

The kids can get the impression that they are all respected, and I give each of them utmost importance and the same value in this way.This sense will enlight their future life to be a good human.